[Online & In-Person collective classes]

Our children's courses are designed to make learning a fun and engaging experience for your little ones. We know that every child doesn't start out as a complete beginner, which is why we've divided our curriculum into manageable stages.

The first stage, called "Passe Passe 1," is designed for complete beginners and is divided into 6 parts. This stage is referred to as PP1 Stage 1, PP1 Stage 2, and so on. It takes approximately 72 hours to complete this stage, during which your child will explore the adventures of characters like Manon, Pablo, Juliette, and others.

Once they've successfully completed Passe Passe 1, they'll move on to "Passe Passe 2" at the A1 level. Just like the first stage, Passe Passe 2 is also divided into 6 stages, each requiring around 72 hours to complete. Your child will continue to learn in a colorful and enjoyable environment, joining their favorite characters on new and exciting adventures.

We believe in making language learning a memorable journey, and we can't wait for your child to join us for these exciting adventures in language acquisition!


The teacher can tailor the lessons (the content covered during a session and the duration required for a unit) to the needs of the students, with the aim of ensuring the best possible learning experience.



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children 6 to 9

6-9 yo | BEGINNERS

6-9 yo | A1.2 - Beginners-STAGE 5 [ONLINE]

Regular French courses
This level is for elementary-school aged children who have never learned French before, providing them with an opportunity to be introduced to the French language! Children will learn a range of vocabulary and language structures in French, such as greeting and introducing themselves, counting, introducing their family, naming objects and animals, talk about their hobbies, likes and dislikes, how to talk about the time, describe someone’s physical appearance, and give and follow instructions.
Pace: 2 x 1 hour per week

6-9 yo | Complete Beginners [IN-PERSON]

Regular French courses
This level is for elementary-school aged children who have never learned French before, providing them with an opportunity to be introduced to the French language! Children will learn a range of vocabulary and language structures in French, such as greeting and introducing themselves, counting, introducing their family, naming objects and animals, talk about their hobbies, likes and dislikes, how to talk about the time, describe someone’s physical appearance, and give and follow instructions.
Pace: 2 Hours per week

children 10 to 13

6-9 yo | BEGINNERS

10-12 yo | Beginners - ADO1- STAGE 3 [ONLINE]

Regular French courses
This beginners level is for elementary-school aged children who have been exposed to the French language. Children will learn a range of vocabulary and language structures in French.
Pace: 2 x 1 hour per week
Pace: 2 x 1 hour per week

10-14 yo | Complete Beginners - ADO1- STAGE 1 [in-person

Regular French courses
This beginners level is for elementary-school aged children who have been exposed to the French language. Children will learn a range of vocabulary and language structures in French.
Pace: 2 x 1 hour per week
Pace: 2 Hours per week




Regular French courses

Contact us

100 Biscayne Blvd, Suite 2120
Miami FL, 33132

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